… a little bit of this, that and a lot more

Posts tagged ‘relationships’

Going Batty?

I have been rather absent. There’s been so much goings-on in my dreary life, that I just couldn’t muster the time to maintain my blog.

In the past few months I’ve had to move house, I’ve gone through a restructuring at work, oldest son has graduated from school, I’ve become a semi-permanent citizen of the EU states. And oh yeah, I’m full on into The Crises.

Through all of this, I have remained calm, controlled, strong, collected. Gone through each and every change methodically, with clear-cut precision. A pillar of reliability.

Super Woman

Super Woman

(please note – no swearing)

And now that all the upheaval is behind me, I should be relieved, stress-free. Relaxed.

Instead, I feel…well, lost. In limbo. Like something is missing. And frustrated. Mad as hell. At no-one in particular. At everyone in general. I think I’m losing my marbles.

Me, Crazy? Nah

Me, Crazy? Nah

I guess after months of being so…held together, keeping everything under control – making sure BH and kids are sorted, cared for, organising the move, the electricians, the painters, the cleaners – I find it a struggle to now adapt to the new situation.

And all of this leads me to have less patience than I normally have. I am less tolerant than I normally am. Which is not much under normal circumstances.

(again – please note the lack of swearing)

Now the vent.

On good days I cannot tolerate people who criticise (anyone/anything) without having a clue. With my newfound battiness, it’s ten times worse. If you expect me to do stuff, and then crit me for not doing it a specific way, or not arranging it for a specific day, then I feel you should shut your big fucking mouth and fucking-well do it yourself.

If you have a better idea, then fucking-well shut up and just do it. Don’t crit me when you are sitting on your fat ass doing fuckall, except stuffing your mouth like a pig and watching TV. Same goes for the little pricks that pass for my kids.

And don’t make conversation just for the sake of talking. Whatever you have to say must be bloodywell useful or interesting, or have the potential to make a difference in my day. If none of the above applies – shut your trap.

I’m sick and tired of being needed, being depended upon. Can’t anyone fuckingwell do anything on their own without involving me in every itty-bitty-shitty detail or decision in their lives?? When do I get to ask for help, huh??? Noooo. Never. It’s bloodywell unheard of.

I’m sick and tired of the pressure. I just want to breathe. I just want to not worry about every fucking thing. I want a normal fucking life, where I can rely on other people for a change. I want someone else to take responsibility and make some decisions for a change.

I’ve had enough of all this shit.

I need a holiday, and I need it bloodywell quickly, before I completely lose all my marbles.

Not Loony

Not Loony

PS: I don’t think I got my point across. I will have to try again next time 😉

I often get so fixated on what’s going wrong in my life – what I don’t like and what I don’t want, what’s missing in my life. This is a great reminder that it’s not always just about me…and that I sometimes really need to stop and “smell the roses”.

Ideas for success


 “I will be faithful with the talent, time, and opportunity God has given me.02a14

 I realize that when I make the most of what I have, God will multiply it and give me more.” ~Victoria Osteen

I will fill my thoughts with things I love and like, because that not only makes me stronger, more loveable it also makes me happier. Thinking about things I don’t love (worry, anger, lack of forgiveness, fear) only make me weaker and bring more bad things into my life.

I will live my life doing the very best I can today, because I know my thoughts and attitudes shape my actions and my actions determine my destiny.

I will spend time helping people around me, my friends, co-workers, loved ones, because I know a person always reaps what they sow, if they reap good things, they will sow good things.

I will do my…

View original post 133 more words


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you were reacting completely opposite to who you really are? Like totally contradictory to your nature? Have you ever wondered if it’s really true that people only bring out either the best or worst in you?

No? Me neither.

Now I know this might seem like it’s gonna turn out to be an immensely cerebral and interesting post. Alas. I have to surprise you. It’s not

This is a vent post. Be warned. Don’t look for logic or clarity of speech.

I was pissed off because husband didn’t have the food ready at 18:00. Like I asked him so nicely to do. I’d had a really kak day at work – demanding customers and childish team mates just completely drained me. And because of back to back meetings, I never got a bite to eat. Now remember – I am not well (no comments about my mental condition please!!) physically so I need to be fed properly. So by the time I got home I was practically expiring from malnutrition and dehydration, and looking really forward to a warm plate of food. But there wasn’t any (did you catch that exaggeration?)

And I sulked. I didn’t do the adult thing and throw a tantrum. No. I just kept quiet and sulked. Maybe that in itself is throwing a tantrum.

While I was sulking I was having great arguments with him. In my head. “How disappointed I am. How it pisses me off that he gets to sit around watching TV, doing whatever he wants all day – I would love that luxury. That he can’t do just one thing I ask for. That he should take better care of me as the breadwinner. That he has his job and I have my job and we need to do what we need to do” and all such grown up stuff.

I just kept this all to myself. Because it’s sort of obvious to me, and it should be to him. Why should we even be having such a discussion?

Am I being selfish and unreasonable?

My boss expects me to perform – I expect the same from him (him = hubby, in case you were lost). Is that too much to ask? Am I selfish? Should I leave him to do just do what he wants, when he wants, and if he doesn’t feel like it, just ignore it like the elephant in the room?

Sometimes I am selfish and unreasonable. But sometimes I actually believe I am not – that what I expect is just the same as the next guy who’s wife is a stay-at-home parent: a clean house, clean clothes, food when I come from work (and not flippen at 09:00pm!!!) a glass of wine at the ready and the kids needs taken care of.

Is that really too much to ask?

To Do or Not to Do?

I guess I didn’t win the Liebster Award, eh? Who did?? Well done to the lucky recipient!!

Now back to me

To make New Year’s Resolutions. Or not?

I have not made any in 3 years. Here’s proof. It wasn’t a conscious decision not to. I just sort of stopped. Without realizing it.

When people recently started asking me what mine were for 2013 I was blank. Like I never heard of this phenomenon before.

My second reaction was “Nah, not making any”. It’s a waste of time. You don’t keep them anyway.  Or you forget them. Or hope everyone else forgets them.

Spoke to Better Half who promptly nullified my arguments against – you HAVE to make some personal goals, otherwise you will never evolve. Yep, he actually  used that word. I was suitably impressed.

But again I thought – why wait for a new year to buckle down and make some changes?

Reasons not to make NY's resolutions

Reasons not to make NY’s resolutions

And that is probably the real reason why I just stopped. I didn’t want to be a cliché  nor did I want to wait until a new year had dawned to make personal changes.  I do this daily, weekly, monthly. Depending on the need.

For example – last year I decided to lose some excess baggage (i.e. weight) and I set a goal, defined a plan to reach it, and I did. Of course (like any other woman I know) –  this was on the resolution list ever since I can remember, but even this fell off coz’ I got tired of putting it on the list and not achieving it. An embarrassing reminder, you know?

I also promised myself to read more, and I did. I decided to commence my language lessons again – and after waffling for months on end, I finally did.

Point is – I am not dependent on a new year to make changes. And I rather like that.

I do have long-term goals though, and these I will be putting into action this year – like getting my honors, or starting a new page in my career. Or even switching careers. But I need time to figure it out first (forever the planner, forever in control)

So no, I will not make any resolutions for this year. I will continue doing what I do. Go with the flow. Change / adapt as needed. Grow as  the situation requires.  I rather like being flexible in that way.

Who doesn’t like new cheese? 😉

A Happy New Year to you. And may all your wishes and dreams be fulfilled.

The Zeit

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