… a little bit of this, that and a lot more

In Denial?



I was sitting here being pleasantly bloggerless, and then my baby called to say I must pick him up from soccer practice….the joys of motherhood…


But that’s just the thing. He’s not a baby anymore. He just turned 12 the other day. I remember him in nappies and baby-gro’s. That skinny, tiny little thing. All limbs and no meat. Not anymore.


He’s becoming a young man. Just recently he reminded me puberty had hit full-force. The two of us were reading, and I was admiring this handsome young fellow (i.e. my good genes!! lol)


Me: You’ve got no facial hair

Him: But I have hair here and there *pointed to armpits & south; shock horror*


Ja neh? Ek wil mos.


And then recently we had milestone # 125. The first batch of acne products


Him: Ma, I need Oxy

Me: What for?

Him: DUH. To wax…..ai Ma, you know mos!

Me: Do you even have acne? *not the last time I looked*

Him: Ma, don’t be difficult! Just buy it, ok?


So I bought the Oxy and when I got home, asked to see the pimples. There were three on his forehead.


Me: You need Oxy for THREE pimples?

Him: Ai, Ma, stop being so difficult! Have you heard of prevention…?


I think he couldn’t wait to use Oxy. It’s like a status thing. Wait until the acne really hits…


I was looking forward to them growing up. But it’s happening too fast. I can’t keep up. And I realise what it means too. I’m getting old….And soon there will be a girlfriend, then a wife, then kids. Then Ma will not be the most important woman in their lives.


That’s part and parcel of growing up, right? ‘Tis true


But I never thought I would be filled with such anxiety at the mere thought. They are my babies, you know. Whether 12 or 25. I know I will have to unleash them on the world, they too have to make a life, find love & fortune… learn about life on their own.


I can’t hold their hands forever. But I want to hold on to them for as long as possible.




Comments on: "In Denial?" (25)

  1. yourehappy said:

    so, so true, and so terrifying too! Thanks for the post, it speaks to all of us mothers, I think ;-)PS: and thanks for the laugh!

  2. Same shit different day said:

    Aaah so sweet – lovely post Diz, hope you have a magical weekend 🙂 x

  3. Sundancer said:

    Hi Dizzy. Long time no see. I must have kept missing you.

  4. pinkpolkadot said:

    I totally agree with you – they really grow up to quickly!! I hope that you will have a wonderful weekend!

  5. davidsdance said:

    So cute Diz man! Jy weet ek en Hooligan sit nou die anner aand en gesels oor die feit dat haar boetie nou 12 sal wees en ons wonder toe hoe hy sou wees etc. etc. – Baie dankie – jy het nou net vir my insig gegee oor hoe hy sou gewees het! Wonderlik!! Hugs

  6. Killakat said:

    Ai MC, I’m glad…Have a fab weekend xxx

  7. Killakat said:

    lol! That sounds so familiar, and they don’t understand it’s only because we went through it too! But alas…

  8. Killakat said:

    (((Hugs))) OC, I think you need it more than I do…

  9. Killakat said:

    Hey S, we have been…like ships? 😉

  10. Killakat said:

    And thanks for the visit!

  11. Killakat said:

    Ag, you too, neh?! xxx

  12. Killakat said:

    Ai, they do. Can I give them brandy, maybe they’ll stop? 😉

  13. Killakat said:

    I shall do so with promptnessxxx

  14. magda meyer said:

    Ag shame Dizzy, it is sort of sad if you think about it, but enjoy him for as long as he is with you. Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Mahesi said:

    Hehe! I still have a long way to go before I get where you are now, but I think it is awesome seeing how they have grown and you are so proud that you did a great job. I bet nothing can beat the fulfillment.Have a great weekend Dizz 😉

  16. Colonialist said:

    *soothingly* Don’t worry – grandparenthood is a whole new era…

  17. jeanihess said:

    The joys of motherhood:) time to practice letting go!!

  18. linniezx10 said:

    Today the discussion is about the prevention of pimples, tomorrow the discussion will be about the prevention of other goeters! Shame Hon xxx

  19. linniezx10 said:

    Oi Col! Dizzy is way too young and vibrant to be a granny! We will be doing the prevention thing for a while yet.

  20. avryl said:

    Aw, never mind, they will soon be providing grandbabies for you. *Storm runs away*

  21. fabulist said:

    lol, very sweet post diz 🙂

  22. Killakat said:

    *throws old stinky boot after Storm* and no more gramma comments, OK? 😉

  23. Killakat said:

    lol @ ColOnly when I’m 70, please?!

  24. avryl said:

    Storm ducked and the boot missed, Gramma!

  25. Killakat said:

    You are wakey-wakey, neh? lol

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