… a little bit of this, that and a lot more

Being claustrophobic, lifts are always a problem. I’ve learnt to deal with it. Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s better if I’m alone in it or prefer if there are others.

Got into the one alone today. It took forever to close. Eventually it does, only to not move. Fuck. Immediately the heart-rate escalates. It starts moving only to suddenly stop at 1st floor. But there’s no one waiting. Fuck. Get out or carry on? 5 flights are no joke. Suddenly it jumps to a stop. Now I am panicking, no holds barred, the heart rate is now freakin’ 360. Do I push the panic button or what? I hit the open door button, but I can see through the crack in the doors something that looks like the next level. I’m lower. Just as I’m about to hit the alarm, it moves. Then rattles to a grinding, noisy halt again. FUCK! I hit the alarm. It opened immediately. I got out at 2nd floor.

Won’t be taking lifts anymore, thank you

My heart is still racing and alles is still shaking. I need a fucking drink. Gawd

Comments on: "Shaken not stirred" (41)

  1. Luvvit said:

    I am also a bit of a claustrophobe – but I can handle a life – unless it is full – I need my personal space!!!!:D

  2. Noregrets said:

    Shamy Dizzy – that must have been horrible! But you can take it further and contact the building owner as the have a liability to make sure that lifts are safe (in terms of the Occupancy Health and Safety Act)Good luck

  3. ianv66 said:

    Not claustrophobic but had a nasty experience in the UK. Was stuck in an elevator for 2 hours with 12 people one being an obese farting South African male, which I didnt know at the time.The guy farted and me being one of those people not keeping my mouth quiet when needed said: die moerse ou stink soos n oop graf. He responded: Ek het eier geeet vanoggend. The rest of the wait was very uncomfortable.

  4. rosegarden said:

    How awful! The worst I’ve experienced was being stuck on the London Underground between stations for half an hour while the carriage was packed! But luckily I’m not claustrophobic.

  5. kat64 said:

    I’m with you on this one! When I went to visit my mother at work, I used to make her walk the 18 floors up and down!LOL @ Ianv66

  6. Killakat said:

    I would have died. People at work thinks its hilarious – normally cool calm collected Diz freaks out in the lift….. One dumb guy actually jumps in the bloody lift when I get in. Asshole

  7. Killakat said:

    LMAO @ you LMN!

  8. snowdon said:

    I always dream about being in a lopsided lift with a door that doesn’t close properly!! Not remotely funny, but then again I tend to have very weird dreams! Psychotherapy(dream analysis!!) maybe!

  9. Killakat said:

    I have reported it to our PA. But don’t know whether that will go far. The damn thing has been creaking for AGES

  10. Killakat said:

    You win handsdown! LOL

  11. davidsdance said:

    Oh my word – I am so glad I do not have claustrophoia!!

  12. Killakat said:

    OMG. How’d you survive?

  13. Killakat said:

    Poor Mum. Howz her legs now? 😉

  14. Killakat said:

    LOL! As long as your life isn’t lopsided?! 😉

  15. Killakat said:

    It’s horrible. And just when you think you’re ok, THIS happens. Fluck

  16. Killakat said:

    Thanks Madmom, the dop helped 😉

  17. Killakat said:

    I’m maar gonna use that excuse also from now on 😉

  18. feefy said:

    Guess you are more awake than I am.Lol

  19. Killakat said:

    LOL! Guess I am now?!

  20. Killakat said:

    Fenkyouverrymuch VP, tequila’s always a winner 😉

  21. Noelene said:

    Shame Dizzy! Hope you are feeling better by now!

  22. Same shit different day said:

    No man Dizzy – i’m fortunately not claustrophobic but that’s just plain f$%$# scary – big hug my dear friend 🙂 x

  23. hutton said:


  24. sikonyela said:

    Fuck, I can relate and I usually take the stairs or stay in the car!!

  25. Noregrets said:

    have you been able to eat eggs after this awful experience?

  26. Cands84 said:

    Eeek! I would also be shaking! Hope your day got better! 🙂

  27. Sivuyisiwe said:

    So sorry for your bad experience,i knew a lady who had such back then we used to take buses and she would need windows and it would would look like she was gonna faint if she can not get to the window quickly.

  28. kasper said:

    Deep apologies…Hehehe…I found the post rather funny..ehem..

  29. bronnie.l said:

    well done for climbing in at least! one of my friends took to climbing 20 floors rather than get in the lift. (I dont think us jumping around inside it the one day with her in helped much though)

  30. gigglinggourmet said:

    oh you poor mama !!

  31. Killakat said:

    Koko, I didn’t wait till lunchtime…a friend gave me a lil’ sumthin’….;-)

  32. Killakat said:

    Yip, all good now

  33. Killakat said:

    LOL @ Lisa!!

  34. Killakat said:

    I think YOU have issues, boet 😉

  35. Killakat said:

    Shame on you K, it wasn’t funny at the time…

  36. Killakat said:

    Poor woman, I can seriously relate

  37. Killakat said:

    It did. Boy did it indeed, but I’ll tell you later…

  38. Killakat said:

    No, please don’t do that to her, you’ll have a nut case on your hands…lol

  39. Killakat said:

    Thanks Jenny, was feeling rather sorry for myself….

  40. Killakat said:

    Morning Tweakster, are you better now? No more lifts for me anymore ;-))

  41. Killakat said:

    Ya think? Cheekiness excluded – of course I missed you!! ;-))

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